Education & self-management

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Education on osteoarthritis is an integral part of first line management.

Addressing patient beliefs is key to adhering to other management strategies, particularly exercise. Patients commonly believe exercise is unsafe or harmful, hence education regarding safety and efficacy of exercise is important.

Advice on pacing of activity, pain does nto equal harm, and imaging findings not correlating with pain/function are also important messages for patients with osteoarthritis.

Behaviour change and addressing lifestyle factors such as sleep, physical activity levels, smoking are also areas to be addressed.

The most effective method of providing education is yet to be determined, and can be face to face, telehealth, one on one , group or reading materials.


Self-management is defined as the tasks that individuals must undertake to live well with one or more chronic conditions. These tasks include having the confidence to deal with medical management, role management and emotional management of their conditions.